Ceuta Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation is a corporation under public law member of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, created to represent, promote, defend and further the interests of businesses, as well as provide them services.
The Chamber’s mission is creating an environment in which businesses can prosper. Careful study is made of the community needs and an action plan is designed. The goal of the Action Plan is to improve the economic welfare of the community. The Chamber works for industrial and business development, which supports new residents with their revenues for our community. It provides educational opportunities and assists businesses with the latest marketing and promotional techniques.
Therefore, aware of the economic and social reality of Ceuta, the Chamber of Commerce offers a diverse range of valuable business services to suit companies and
entrepreneurs of all sectors and sizes. From online networking and profile-raising opportunities to facilitated introductions and specific business advice. Increasing competitiveness and adaptation to new market needs in a highly changing and globalised environment, and promoting the creation and generation of companies, while responding to social needs in terms of employment and of public spaces in the City.
Ceuta Chamber of Commerce works continuously for the growth of the city, business expansion and population increase to insure the professional a prosperous place in
which to make a living.
It has a wide experience on national and international cooperation projects, such as POCTEFEX, Red-A-Sur (Southern Business Angels Network), AL INVEST, Erasmus
+, among others. Furthermore, the Chamber of Commerce of Ceuta manages several programs funded by the European Union under FEDER, FSE or INTERREG SUDOE, for example.